I feel like this should come with a warning: This post
mentions pus, blood, spit, vomit, and FEET. Skip it if your tummy’s feeling fragile
I think feet are gross. I’ve noticed this is an Actual Thing because Alan obviously doesn’t feel the same way. He thinks nothing of resting
his feet on a pillow that his FACE will later lie on; he’ll happily pick at his
he massages my feet, my “Aaaah, that feels lovely!” thoughts are tainted by niggly “But he’s TOUCHING my FEET” thoughts. GROSS.
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from here |
I, on the other hand, am convinced that there are few
pastimes more pleasurable than twirling snot out of a baby’s nose with a cotton
tip, while Alan gets gaggy at the sight. I also like pus, and looking at the
roots of hairs I’ve pulled out. My sister-in-law’s eardrum burst the other
morning and I found myself wishing I could be there to see what was oozing out.
I can cope with a little
blood, but I can’t watch operations, even on TV shows when I know it’s not real.
I’m also not great with placentas; my midwife was examining Hazel’s and joyfully
explaining which parts of it were attached to me and the hole where the bag had
burst and Hazel had come through. She stretched and marvelled, while I tried
very hard not to vomit. “Yaaaay! It’s AMAZING!” *retches*
Speaking of vomit, the other day my sister reckoned
she could watch someone spew and it wouldn’t make her feel as sick as seeing
spit on the ground. I think both would be too much for me; even typing this
paragraph is making me queasy. I’m going to put vomit and spit up the top of the list, along with
feet. GROSS.
'My sister-in-law’s eardrum burst the other morning and I found myself wishing I could be there to see what was oozing out.'
I think we are all grossed out by different stuff. I can handle snot, blood, eye crust for example, but pus is a no no.
ReplyDeleteI remember meeting a couple, where the guy got really sunburned and his wife happily peeled off his back skin..
They said it was a sign of real love. I thought it was a sign of deep sickness.
It was pretty gross but kind of fascinating at the same time. But if it was someone else's ear goop I was looking at I don't think "fascinating" would be how I'd describe it!
ReplyDeleteAlso, that sunburned skin story ^ made me gag.
ReplyDeleteAnd I just remembered I had a friend who would throw up if she got a hair (even her own) in her mouth.
that seems fair enough to me- once a hair disconnects from your body it instantly becomes a foul and foreign object of scorn and disgust.
ReplyDeleteI wanted so much to be all chilled when my midwife showed me the placenta, but I was the same as you, it looked really horrible and made me feel ill. I can't imagine carrying it around in a bag or eating it, even though I can see the merit in those ideas.
ReplyDeleteMaybe I should write a whole other post about placentas... Hmmm. :)
DeleteYou can write a post but pleeeeeease don't put a photo of a placenta at the top of it! DO NOT google image "placentas"!!!
DeleteYAY! How lovely to return from holidays and find that others have entered into the spirit of this post and matched the grossness (Or, in Ben's case with the peeled sunburn story, exceeded it)!
ReplyDeleteI'm okay with hair, as long as it's hair from a person rather than an animal - animal hair (and feathers) make me think of diseases. I'm totally NOT okay with EATING parts of other people - that's topped the list of things my tummy does NOT want me thinking about. Ewewewewewewew. EWWWWWWWWWWW.
In the spirit of this post: www.youtube.com/watch?v=rDPzOwvpaAw
ReplyDeleteRemoving a 25-year-old blackhead. Gross but oddly compelling. Enjoy :P
I saw this on Facebook the other week! You're right, it is compelling - I felt a little ill, but couldn't turn it off. I wish they'd gotten a really long, in-focus shot of what came out - I wanted to have a good look at it, so was disappointed that I wasn't rewarded with a nice big inspection of it after all of the time I'd spent waiting for it to emerge!
DeleteOMG FEET!! I actually think this is a biblical idea. the Romans passage? I always read it - "how beautiful (even) are the feet of those that bring the good news". the significance of Jesus washing the disciples feet? there is so much imagery in the OT too about feet being a sign of fallenness, of humaness, of dirtiness, I think my hatred of feet is a sign of my godliness. no joke.
ReplyDeletePS grant can't do poo. Like can't even talk about it. He's had two kids, changed countless nappies, and still gags and sometimes vomits when changing them.