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Another reason this
debate can’t be declared over is the fact that it seems even complementarians can’t
give consistent answers to all of the questions their argument raises. In The Conversation Stopper (the article mentioned
in my previous post on this topic, from Issue 332 of the Briefing), Claire
Smith mentions that the whole congregation would learn from the prophecy of
women, despite the fact that she, like many, believes “women ought not to
assume an ongoing, authoritative teaching role within mixed congregations”
(footnote 1).
Since starting to look
into gender roles I’ve grown more and more frustrated by the complementarian qualifiers
that muddy an already-cloudy issue. How do you define “ongoing” in this case?
If a woman in the congregation has the gift of prophecy, should she only be
allowed to offer one per fortnight? Per month? At what stage does it become
“ongoing”? And how do you define “authoritative” here? Surely all prophecy is
as authoritative as you can get, if it is indeed “God’s truth declared” to his people as Smith says in her article
(the emphasis is mine)!
Again, I’m not sure that
these are questions the Bible wants us to spend our limited time asking or
debating the answers for. And so Grudem has to write up a ‘do/don’t’ list for
women to make up for the Bible’s silence, and each church muddles its way
along, usually inconsistently, trying to work out how “equal but different” can
possibly be logical and practicable. I still
don’t understand what the difference is between leading a church service and
leading the singing, yet in the Anglican churches I’ve been part of in Sydney,
women are only allowed to do the latter. Not only that, at the very least, how many churches have taken the advice Smith
gives in her article and taken steps to work out how to encourage those with
the gift of prophecy – of course, I’m thinking of the women in particular – to
use their gift for the edification of their congregations? I’ve no idea either,
but I’ll have a guess: Not enough.
Also, do complementarian
men skip over articles by Smith in The Briefing in case they learn something,
or is she allowed to teach in writing, just not in speech? If so, is it because
writing’s not “church”? Is that the difference? Or is it because The Briefing is edited by a man and she’s
therefore under his authority? I don’t know. Are there any complementarians who
can answer all of these questions? Perhaps they’re happy not knowing for sure. A
few churches and many years ago, a beloved minister emailed me a chapter from
Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood (by John Piper and Wayne Grudem) in
response to some questions I had about a sermon he’d preached on 1 Corinthians
When I confessed later
that it didn’t clear everything up for me, we ended up agreeing that our
questions (his and mine) were fundamentally about creation and we weren’t sure
we’d ever find answers for them. I respected (and still do!) his honesty in those
conversations, though I wonder now if he ever searched for answers outside of
complementarianism. He never mentioned to me that there were evangelical
Christians who offered other explanations that did make sense of the first chapters in Genesis (and, flowing on
from there, the passages in 1 Corinthians and 1 Timothy).
Basically, in reading the
complementarian side of the debate, I can’t help but keep returning to the full list of questions I had when I started this process. I agree with this thought
(at least) from a recent CBE blog post:
...there are more radical groups that require their women to not cut their hair, to wear head coverings, to not wear jewellery, men’s pants, etc. I’ve got to give them this: Their exegesis is more consistent than the less radical. This simply makes their errors greater, but they are more logical and more consistent...I draw encouragement from the fact that mainline complementarian thought has reached the current, less logical stance. It’s a movement in the right direction.
I see complementarianism
played out in so many different ways that I’m now fairly convinced there’s not too much
agreement between those who hold the view outside of believing that a man should always be the
leader. Perhaps the reason there are no satisfying answers to be
found in complementarian arguments has a lot to do with the fact that the Bible
doesn’t give answers to the questions their arguments force us to pose. If
it did, we’d have no need for this.
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