Do you think these guys are having a sale? I can't really tell...
In other news, Barnaby Joyce was yesterday quoted as saying (of his four daughters):
We know that the best protection for those girls is that they get themselves into a secure relationship with a loving husband, and I want that to happen for them. I don't want any legislator to take that right away from me.
I’m not exactly sure what Senator Joyce meant by ‘protection’, but I reckon this woman could do a pretty good job of it:
(Let me just say how very excited I am to have a legitimate reason for posting this photo.)
I hope that someone took Barnaby aside and assured him that the rally was against same-sex marriages. The poor bloke sounds freaked out.
Finally, it was nice to read in the latest (12th August) edition of The Week, that MasterChef's Kate only agreed to take part in the show after producers “bent the show’s strict rules, letting her spend weekends with her family.”
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