Happy birthday to my affectionate little explorer, with the “inquisitive face” and cheeky smile,
who likes
. . . dropping things from heights (the highchair, the couch, the balcony)
. . . . . . eating cardboard
. . . . . . . . . chasing birds;
who dislikes
. . . sitting around for too long (in the high chair, the car or the pram)
. . . . . . getting dressed after his bath
. . . . . . . . . having his fingernails cut.
I won’t get all mushy and embarrass you, but I will say this: You’ve brought bucketloads of joy to my life this last year, and you’re my favourite job of all time.
(It's not the best photo of my son, but it is the best photo of my son enjoying his first piece of birthday cake.)
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