I like my hair colour. It’s taken a while; I used to
be convinced that God had made a mistake when He chose to give me
not-quite-dark-enough hair, and I’d dye it regularly to make up for the error.
While I was at school I experimented with various shades of red, and then later,
at uni, I gave blonde a go, which was disastrous but probably a helpful lesson to
learn. And then one day I realised how much money I could save if I didn’t have
to buy dye every couple of months, and how much time I could save if I didn’t have to
factor in hair-colouring to my getting-ready-for-an-event schedule, and I
decided then and there to let the dyed parts grow out. I haven’t dyed my hair since.
Because I’m a lazy tight-arse, pretty much. And also I’ve grown to like my
natural colour.
There are lots of parts of me I used to like but now, not so much; it‘s kinda nice that my feelings about my hair colour have headed in the opposite direction.

I used to cut Mo’s hair, until he got too squirmy and
his hair started looking particularly hacked, when I decided to try out a barber. Unfortunately the one we chose was
uncommunicative and rough, and so we decided to use our clippers in future and shave Mo’s
head ourselves. He looked like a bogan with clippered hair, but it was free and quick, and so we’ve
stuck with this system ever since. The one teeny
tiny problem with this, though, is that Moses HATES having his hair
clippered (he also hates having his nails cut; he basically just wants to hang
onto everything his body has grown), and every time we do it he seems so devastated
by the experience that I decide we’ll try out a new style that involves a
kinder barber and less machinery against his head.
But then after a month or so his hair grows over his
ears and looks untidy and terrible, and then something big and important
inevitably comes up (Nanna Parsons comes to visit/a friend has a birthday
party/etc.) and I realise I can’t let him be seen or photographed with hair
like that and there’s no time to go find a barber. So we pin him down and
clipper it again (we do love you, Mo, I promise). We use the 3mm attachment so
that it will take forever to grow and we won’t have to think about haircuts
again for as long as possible, so Mo goes for a week or so around haircut time
looking like he’s terminally ill, and then he goes for a few weeks after that
looking like a regular (bogan) kid, and then he starts to move from regular kid to
feral kid, and then the whole process starts again.
Kerry suggested we try putting his feet in a bucket of
warm, salty water while cutting his hair to somehow ease the trauma, and it did
seem to help last time; next time I plan to test whether or not the water
working was purely a placebo effect and I could therefore use something else
instead. And the time after that I’ll
let him grow it longer and then find a barber.

Hazel has a mini dreadlock. We haven’t cut her hair yet
because Alan doesn’t want us to, and also because I never have scissors close
by when I spot her dreadlock. I have no idea how we’re supposed to decide how
to style her hair as she gets older: Fringe or no fringe? Long or short? Pin
her down and clipper it? There are too many choices, and too much time before
she’ll care enough to make her own decisions about it. Also, is it fair that if
Hazel hates having her hair cut in future she‘ll be able to get away with it staying long because
she’s a girl, but poor Mo has been shorn far more times that he’d have liked
just because he’s a boy? OF COURSE IT’S NOT. What to do?
And finally there’s Alan. His hair is completely his responsibility, fortunately.
(For the record, these cheap clippers were dodgy, so we returned them. But it was worth trying them out, just for this photo.)